I have taken a long break from blogging...we have had a lot going on lately as always but I just don't seem to find the time to sit back and blog.
This winter as been so nice. We have had a little amount of snow and I mean little..like only 2 inches. Last year we had to much that the kids where out of school for a whole week. We have had no snow days at all this year. This weather is crazy. Today it is going to be in the 70's in March. I can't believe it.
The kids are all doing great. Here is a quick update on them all.
Taylor is getting ready to head into 7th grade next year. She was so nervous about taking her math placement test and thought she did horrible but she didn't she is going into Pre-Algebra next year. She is excited about that and so are we. We knew she could do it.
Kaylie is getting ready for soccer to start up next week and doing great in school as always.
Hunter is going great in preschool and loves it. I can't believe in 2 weeks I will be enrolling him for Kindergarten. It doesn't seem possible to have a kindergarten again.
Jalinn is doing so great too. We had her re-evaluation for First Steps and now she only needs PT and OT every 3 months. She is still getting speech every week. She is still lacking in the speech department but we are working on it everyday. She now has her own little attitude about everything. If she doesn't want to do it she will cross her arms and put her head down. It is the cutest things. She is now into throwing fits too when she doesn't get something she wants. The fun times are just head of us.
Here are a few pictures for over the weekend out at our property that we will be building a house of hopefully sooner then later. Kaylie was not with us she was having fun with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend.